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Tag: development

Hacktoberfest 2018: write 5 pull requests for a free t-shirt

Posted in Stuff, and Tech news

Hello Mishamigos, in a week we will be the last day of October. The day where ghouls and demons will sprout and throw one more spell at us humble coding people. The day where until the last second you will look at your inbox petrified waiting for the next jump scare. As you guessed, in case you were oblivious to the post title, tomorrow is the first day of the last week of Hacktoberfest, 2018 edition.

Help, often accepted, sometimes rejected, always okay

Posted in Experiences

Help (verb) make it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by offering them one’s services or resources

Today we will talk about help, more precisely helping people who refuse help. However, before I delve any further, you should have a quick read at the Agile Manifesto.

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

As I go through the (true) stories I am about to tell, it will be up to you to figure which principles tie in the way I tackle today’s topic. That way we both put the work in one of my posts. I’ll do the same for yours if requested. The stories will be told in chronological order so you may even notice changes in reactions from on end. Talking about ends…

Serverless’ latest release breaking Babel polyfill?

Posted in Did you notice?

Here, get some context

Hey everyone, let me tell you about Serverless‘ latest release. You must be thinking “Three posts in ten days after three months absence what got into you JD?”. Nothing particular, well now that I go exercise in the morning and finish work around 5 I have tons of time to do stuff afterwards. Also I keep running into things from that feel blog worty. Indeed, today I experienced what can easily become a nightmare for developers. Broken continuous integration from out of nowhere. Indeed, this morning as I was making the latest adjustments to a project set to move towards production in a few days, the continuous integration broke after merging my latest pull request. The pull request contained minor changes in a configuration but nothing that would be used at any point  through CI.

NDepend’s static code analysis: Noob Review

Posted in Noob review

Today I am going to do something I have not done before. A couple months ago I was contacted by NDepend to play around with their software. I did not check but there is probably a fair amount of software reviews out there. Hence why I will try an hopefully different approach. A noob approach. I’ll read the promise from the software to review and just dive into it without any sort of guidance. Let’s call it Noob Review. Yep, that’s how you create a series that might or might not live longer than a post.

.NET Core CLI Tools: Build a web API in 10 minutes

Posted in .NET Core, Building future-proof software, and Tutorials

This tutorial is an introduction to .NET Core CLI tools. More precisely it is about creating a web API using the CLI tools provided for .NET Core. Whether you are a beginner in development or just new to .NET Core this tutorial is for you. However, you need to be familiar with what an API is and unit tests to fully enjoy this tutorial. Today, we will set up a solution grouping an API project and a test project.