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Coding Nagger Posts

Continuous delivery for free using Docker, CircleCI and Heroku

Posted in .NET Core, Building future-proof software, and Tutorials

Continuous what?

Continuous delivery. You may recall that in my previous post I announced that today’s entry would be revolving around continuous integration. And technically it can count as such since we will cover continuous integration along the next step. That next step is continuous delivery. If you are not familiar with these terms and the concepts behind them I will sum them up briefly.

Basically, continuous integration allows verifying that your codebase still builds and passes tests passing whenever you push changes. Add a trigger to deploy your code to production upon success and you pretty much have the idea around continuous delivery.

.NET Core CLI Tools: Build a web API in 10 minutes

Posted in .NET Core, Building future-proof software, and Tutorials

This tutorial is an introduction to .NET Core CLI tools. More precisely it is about creating a web API using the CLI tools provided for .NET Core. Whether you are a beginner in development or just new to .NET Core this tutorial is for you. However, you need to be familiar with what an API is and unit tests to fully enjoy this tutorial. Today, we will set up a solution grouping an API project and a test project.

Entrepreneurship high: What I learned

Posted in Personal life, Personal projects, and Stuff

You may remember that underwhelming post I made a few months ago. I wrote it while high on entrepreneurship. As you may not feel like reading it I’ll sum up. I hinted at a side project that could become something cool, something potentially big. I read a lot of blog posts from people who had that illumination on an issue they could solve. People building a solution that could change lives for the better. I think my first mistake was thinking I could force that. I write decent code and designed a few solutions but it was always driven by someone else vision or convictions. All I had to do was find an idea that could make people’s day to day life easier.

Greek Goddess Gamble: Slowing down the writing

Posted in Personal life

Hi everyone, it’s been exactly a month since my last post and I have a good excuse for it. As it turns out I was pretty busy with a wedding, a holiday and the beginning of a personal project. Yep, another one! From now I will refer to it as my Greek goddess gamble until I reveal what it is all about.

AdBlockPlus: That time I thought my website was hacked

Posted in Stuff

AdBlockPlus, one if not the most popular adblocker at the moment. Let me tell you how I lost my morning to it and ended up writing this post just because. Please note that this is not sponsored content, not sure whether that matters to you. Also, I didn’t really know where to put this so now there is a new “Stuff” category, but if you want you can still go back to read some future-proof stuff.