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Some nagger affiliate links for you to enjoy

A great way of supporting the blog is not to make donations and whatnot. It’s to do something for me where you get something too. So I decided to get a few affiliate links where there are good deals for me and you. You don’t need to follow any of these links but I will really appreciate if you do.

The Protein Works

Who are they?

They are the UK’s most innovative sports nutrition brand and committed to improving the health and well being of their customers. I’ve started with their protein powder from a friend recommendation and can’t get enough of it. With my last order, I even received a free protein brownie mix. I baked it as a cake and it was delicious. I just ordered a few more packs.

What you need to do

Use this affiliate link to register an account:

What I get

£10 of points on their website to for my next order.

What you get

You can choose between 7 days worth of Whey Protein 360 or Vegan Protein for FREE.


What is it?

Brave is on a mission to fix the web by giving users a safer, faster and better browsing experience while growing support for content creators through a new attention-based ecosystem of rewards. I have been using it since mid-2019 and loved it ever since. Staying away from content-hiding ads everywhere. Getting rid of tracking overall which made my browsing experience way better than it used to be. If you are a Chrome user you will be able to have the same experience without the Google capturing all your inputs.

What you need to do

Download Brave using this affiliate link:

What I get

Some crypto coins named BAT

What you get

A superior tracking-free browsing experience. You even get a summary of the trackers and ads blocked. On top of that, you even get their representation both in bandwidth and time you didn’t have to wait for the page to load. You shouldn’t have to wait longer to consume content because of ads and trackers.


What is it?

Honey is a browser extension that finds promo codes for you. Just install the extension with the link below then just shop as usual. The one thing that is a shame is that they don’t tell you how much you saved since you got the extension but I know for sure that I saved a few hundred pounds thanks to Honey.

What you need to do

Install the Honey extension to your browser with this link:

And yes you can install it on Brave too!

What do I get?

I get some Honey points convertible into vouchers.

What do you get?

It’s more about what you can get because of the money you will save thanks to Honey. Whatever thing you’re saving for or planning to impulse buy. From Honey, I actually got a voucher code that saved me £20 on an order at The Protein Works.