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No December 2020 Twitter poetry but a surprise

Posted in Poetry time: Bursts of poems

As you may know, if you have been following me on Twitter, I started being properly active mid-June 2020. Surprisingly, that move leads to me posting more tweets and some of them are improvised little poems. I thought it would be a shame to lose them and decided to compile them together every month. That way, I got a place to go back and read them once in a while. Unfortunately, mostly due to my participation in the Advent of Code, there will be no improvised December 2020 Twitter poetry. However, as I write this, December 27th, I decided I would take an hour today to write a poem. That way you can still have your poetry fix and I get to flex my writing muscles. As a bonus, I can maintain my poetic shape. Hope you enjoy it. I’ll name it “Gone year: Twelve months of chaos”.

January begins, new year, new world, new me, new era
I would stop burning so much energy in Runeterra
Focus my drive, learn to drive, travel, return to Aruba
These beautiful plans flinched from a rumour of China

February’s when I ticked my twenty-ninth year
Exactly when the world started tingling with fear
Of a virus sounding like a world’s ending’s near
Nothing about the future could be any less clear

March is when madness just started to spread
People stack things, toilet paper, booze and bread
A looming apocalypse fills every space with dread
Fearing friends and relative would end up dead

April, two weeks since we are under lockdown
Some home isolation shall not bring me down
Hiding from the sun takes away from my brown
Just a little longer, two more weeks says the crown

May, I should be returning from Japan for the first time
Only then I start seeing how much we’ve lost of time
Memento mori, I am now reminded of death’s chime
What if this if March was my last gin tonic with lime?

June is the time where the world’s skin tone peace broke
All from eight minutes and forty-six seconds of choke
In a week’s time, some black squares unleash all the woke
Crafty marketers funnel real anger then get money and coke

July is two months since America started to burn
In Britain, for a night we thought it would be our turn
Small businesses looted, burned reduced to churn
While our homes are the only place to witness the sun

August, we felt some hope, we met friends to eat out
The government incentivised us so this would help out
Away from our phones, we could stop giving clowns clout
Little did we know, a new lockdown would soon sprout

September started, we wanted to sleep, wait for its end
As only a couple of weeks allowed us to consume and spend
Back in our homes under lock as the virus returns to trend
So we would be rewarded with a family Christmas to spend

October usually is to dismember, watching movies of horror
Going out, celebrating with friends, being a candy donor
Unfortunately thinking we could would be a grave error
But now from everywhere, of a vaccine, we hear the rumor

November strikes us as the restrictions go even higher
We rely on scientists to make the future a bit brighter
Still, nothing comes close to help, we only see a monster
Surely, the collective effort will make the next month better?

December unable to go to the home where I grew
Finished the Advent of Code on time, who knew?
No way to meet friends, even to grab a brew
Hope is next year that these rules won’t renew

I wish you all a happy new year, at least a happier new year and hope you will not fill like 2021 will have been a waste of time. Enjoy your health and loved ones. As for myself, I will see you next time. I had no idea where this poem would go before writing it but am happy with the result. Also, I wrote a more personal year review post which you can check out here.

Thank you for checking the replacement for my improvised December 2020 Twitter poetry. Don’t hesitate to follow me on Twitter to seize the next poems as they are fresh off my mind. Not that It will surprise you but I don’t just write poems there. Sometimes I tweet about around tech and also life in general. There will definitely more frequent updates there than here as I can just improvise tweets which is much harder to do with blog posts like my AWS deployment for Go apps entry. However, if you long for more poetry you can check out the previous entries right here.

Cover by Eugene Shelestov from Pexels

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