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Surprise! My November 2020 Twitter poetry is on time

Posted in Improvised Twitter Poetry

As you may know, if you have been following me on Twitter, I started being properly active mid-June 2020. Surprisingly, that move leads to me posting more tweets and some of them are improvised little poems. I thought it would be a shame to lose them and decided to compile them together every month so that I can read them once in a while. Surprisingly this month I will be on time as opposed to the last couple editions. My original intent is to publish this compilation within the first couple of days in the next month. We’re December 1st, I woke up at 4.20 am for the Advent of Code which gave me lots of time to do this early. Welcome to my improvised November 2020 Twitter poetry compilation.

The first entry this month is all about that pandemic. I probably wrote it as we found out about the second UK lockdown which wasn’t really one. Good to get that out there as we will get out of it in about six hours now. A celebratory burger with some friends will definitely of order.

While the first was about UK politicians announcing a new lockdown, this one will be about two US politicians facing off on their election day.

While we’re getting stopped from going to even restaurants one can only keep moving, working, working out till we can travel again freely.

I’ll take the liberty to count that one. As you can see, the poetry compilations keep on coming with their own verses-ish.

Still missing social life. Hopefully, today is only a day away from experiencing a limited yet improved version of it.

Good old Monday-inspired poem about inspiration and creativity.

Because I’m a great original, now the Wednesday-inspired tweet.

Some garbage person tried to do some race-baiting using another garbage person. Disgust can also serve as inspiration, who would have thought that possible? Not me.

You all heard the Sia thing which I believe is nonsense, I improvised some more verses on that.

Insanely enough, I’ve written two consecutive Wednesday posts, unbelievable the stuff you notice when you review all your tweets at once.

Another poem where I’m using the day to fill some space, or maybe I was just inspired by it. The one certain thing is that Schitt’s creek is a great show that you should all watch.

Thank you for checking my improvised November 2020 Twitter poetry. Don’t hesitate to follow me on Twitter to seize them as they are fresh off my mind. Not that It will surprise you but I don’t just write poems there. Sometimes I tweet about around tech and also life in general. There will definitely more frequent updates there than here as I can just improvise tweets which is much harder to do with blog posts like the last one. However, if you long for more poetry you can check out the previous entries right here.

Cover by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

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