A new website has arisen people! For those who didn’t notice now when you enter www.iamnguele.com in your browser you don’t land anymore on the blog but on a webpage I put online a couple of days ago. It’s a very simple presentation page with some parallax to make it sexier, it didn’t take me days and days to build but I like it, looks nice and clear. I let you check it out if you haven’t yet.
I have been quite active over the past few weeks compared to the creation of that blog, it’s already my third post in less than ten days. Now that I’m kinda invested with that mission to help building meaningful software and tools I will definitely be more active in terms of new norms, development, technologies and of course, tutorials. I have a few thing in stock to write about and even to code, expect much more content to come than there has been in the past.
Plus I’m currently learning more languages as those will expend my knowledge and enable me to potentially find easier solutions to issues that might not be solved in a straightforward way with the languages I learned so far.
I also discovered that Neverwinter game that does not look bad on XBox One and I do enjoy playing it a couple of hours every once in a while, as much as League of Legends, so I may produce content as tutorials, streaming or even web/mobile applications for those. I cannot believe I had that blog for almost three years now but there is not that much about me nor what I like, the code I write and the things I do, so I will just put more of it out there.
This was Jean-Dominique Nguele, live from his bed, writing a second post in less than 13 hours. It is 08:08am, good morning internet.